Individuals with menstrual cycles, what’s your favorite ride for “that day” of the month?

I often find there’s one or two days out of my cycle that I’m either unmotivated to ride or so crampy and uncomfortable that the planned workout just isn’t the best idea. Usually I switch it up for something easier like an endurance spin or tempo. Some of my typical substitutes are Bald Knob, Petit, Colosseum (or any of their +/- versions). Was curious, what other people’s strategies are or go-to rides?


Sorry to hear about your cramps. I have a very light period, so I just do the regular workout and often find I feel stronger than when I’m pre-menstrual. I wanted to engage with your post anyway, because it’s an important topic.

I also tend to stick with the regular workout/what I had on the plan up to about 90 minutes. I find that longer workouts don’t really work for me around that time because of increased sensitivity in my soft tissues that just make it too uncomfortable.

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I try to stick with whatever is on the schedule. For me, the key is just to get on the bike. My schedule is flexible so I have time to push the workout a bit. If it’s too crampy at the start, I’ll slow-start with a long warmup - I’ll start lazy mountain or bald knob - and then switch over to the scheduled ride.

It’s just as much mental - if I see a “barcode” workout scheduled for Day 1 or 2, I’ll immediately head to the “I can’t do that right now” place so 1) I try not to look and 2) I try to remind myself that if I just get started, I won’t even be thinking about it after 10-15 minutes.