Been racing road and cross for 40+ years and last week I noticed my post race heart max and average numbers higher compared to past years.
Previous years:
Max - 170
Average - 166
Last 2 Races:
Max - 177 - 184
Average - 171
At my age (65) I’m starting to wonder if racing cross at “Redline” is something that I should reconsider or am I fitter this year and keep on going?
I have no ill effects post race with exception of the usual post race fatigue as expected.
My heart rate is higher when I race cross too. My avg for a 1 hr race is typically 186ish (i’m 17), but my last cross race my average was 192! My max also tied my all time max of 206.
That’s a 1hr cross race in 2022, average 179 for an hour, my max HR at that time was 193! I got a similar result last year on the same course, but at a slightly lower average HR (176). It could be that you’re fitter, or the opposite, that you had to work harder for a similar effort/result.