Garmin Edge 1040 Released

Thanks. To be clear, you’re saying you don’t have a screen protector, right?

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Someone should pin this at the top of the forum LOL


Correct, the screen protector is the culprit I would say.

Yeah, I’ve ridden probably half a dozen times with my 1040 in heavy downpours. I didn’t have any difficulty either with the screen making selections on its own or being slow/nonresponsive to touches. Everything worked as normal. No screen protector here, either.

Hey folks, thanks for the quick responses. I went out in the rain just now, and saw the light.

I took the protector off and tried it with water on the screen with and without gloves, and it was night and day how much better it was. Anyone have a screen protector that also works in the rain? I saw mention somewhere that the one from Panzerglass works?

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My 1040 that is currently on version 20.04 and keeps offering to update to version 20.04.

This is the same version so even if I select install now it goes through the process and then asks if I want to upgrade again. I’ve also tried using Garmin Explorer on my desktop but it doesn’t show any updates (unsurprisingly).

Anyone else ever experienced this before I contact support?

20.04 is a beta version, that was specifically removed due to installation issues including that. If on beta then keeping apprised of things on the forum is best.

Coolio, thanks! Will investigate how to roll back.

Opted out from beta and support said it should allow me to update/downgrade to the older version in a couple of days. I’ll confirm here so if anyone else needs to know in the future.

Yeah, tried a matte screen protector, and it was better, but not great. I think if it’s wet at all and/or you’ve got gloves, you can’t have a screen protector.

I guess there’s still no way to DELETE the baked in Garmin Training Plans? I had a TR workout upload yesterday, only to have it get disappeared by a Garmin workout a few seconds later. The TR workout didn’t even show up on the workouts screen.

I appreciate the offer Garmin, but I’ve got something better.

In the newest firmware update, does anyone know how to remove “Garmin Coach” from the “home” screen?

I don’t have mine in front of me, but isn’t it just a widget that can be added or removed? Or, maybe moved to the bottom where it is out of sight out of mind?

It doesn’t show up in the Widget list :frowning:

It’s a glance that can be side swiped off. Home screen → Scroll to the bottom → Edit.


Thank you thank you

Anyone have any idea what the support options might be for this device? I’m continually getting freeze ups / issues with the device not turning off or starting properly. Hoped that firmware updates would fix, but doesn’t seem to have helped at all.

I’m assuming they’ll just tell me to suck it up, but it’s such an expensive device that I’m hoping they’ve got some sort of response.

Call them. Garmin is pretty excellent at customer support, but it’s been my experience that calling them gets the best response.

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If they can’t help with troubleshooting they may do a swap. I had two of the early ones die (one lost sound and the other just didn’t turn on after a drop/fall.