Extreme noob gains

Ok, not my noob gains, just been riding regularly with my 9 y/o around our neighborhood. Even though he begged me to get him a road bike (he learned to ride in March), he doesn’t totally love bikes and it’s kind of a chore, so a lot of days he does it begrudgingly.

Otherwise, if he didn’t ride with me, he wouldn’t get any exercise (we have a lot of kids in the neighborhood, but evidently playing these days means standing around). Hopefully some day he’ll thank dad for taking an hour each day to ride around lol

The past 2 days have had 12mph averages for the hour, which is fun to see, fortunately I still have a ways to go before these rides start getting into Z2!


bumping an old topic (it’s clearly a hot one lol). Yesterday we averaged 13.2mph around our neighborhood loop, PR for the little guy. Funny to see how my last few rides are in the 80-100w range versus this in early September. In these COVID times, this is his PE class. Although I’m not super interested in the racing aspect of riding for him (mostly because he shows no inclination to it) I am curious how he compares to kids his age who are involved in racing. I think it would be really cool if by spring/summer if we were doing outdoor rides at 15mph. Anyhow, if anyone wants to talk kids riding bikes, feel free to do so below!

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Good work Gabe :muscle: