Explosive efforts and ramp test results

Ok, stupid question warning. But, how much might a primarily neuromuscular explosive activity like downhill skiing affect a ramp test a couple of days later?

Short version was, I skiied both days this weekend coming off my ssb hv2 recovery week. Plan felt great, total compliance. Legs were jelly on Sunday, sore yesterday, and felt fine today. But, I had a drop on ftp with today’s ramp test, and that just doesn’t seem right. My workouts were feeling quite manageable there at the end, and I was looking forward to bumping the needle a bit.

I assumed that because downhill is so short/explosive (moguls all over Sunday) that it would be in a different enough zone than the aerobic ramp test and the two would happily coexist. Maybe I was stupid…

If it’s your first day out skiing, I’d say probably leg fatigue from using muscles you haven’t used in a while and the body recovering from workouts + that could have pulled you down.

If all the workouts felt good, do some manual adjustments on the workouts, and if they’re sustainable great, and / or retest after a couple days into the plan, if you’ve got an easy z2 day, do a test before that.