Could you crowd fund a world tour team?

“The iQ2 Power team was a no-show at the race today just like last week, but they say they’ll be out there next year! Meantime check out videos of their automated training facility”

Just been thinking, afaik there are actually two different types of members of Bayern Munich eV. The original club is just a sports club with different disciplines anyone can join and play basketball, handball, table tennis or chess and bowling. But a couple of years ago they also launched a “fan membership” for fans if the pro football team, which I guess is essentially a crowd sourcing excercise. Fan members pay an annual subscription for discounts and perks associated with the football team, but can’t join the amateur sports disciplines.

Almost 51 million euros for team Ineos inrng : team ineos budget

The minimum for world tour teams is around 10 million if I recall correctly.

In the next 5 years the global CF market could swell to ~$35 billion, so $10 mil is peanuts. Hire a good strategist and marketers, boom — done deal.

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In a similar vein why doesn’t Eurosport have a title sponsor on a team? Or have I not been following long enough to have missed that?

They have effectively in the past - Discovery Channel own Eurosport and they sponsored Big Tex in 2000s…Eurosport were also a secondary sponsor for some other team…Kelme perhaps back in the day

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