Belgian Waffle Ride, Equipment Upgrades, Recovery Tactics and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 317

Pointing out something that others have mentioned, around 26:50 in the cast, Nate discusses his training and TR use. He specifically mentions using “Adaptive Training”, which makes sense from a broader view. But then he immediately discusses two features that none of us in Beta have seen or accessed.

  • Progression Level Projection (what he can get to)
  • FTP Prediction (estimated peak via his current AT plan)

This is all well and good, but he failed to specifically mention those are limited access items only available to him and maybe other internal TR users (perhaps even a limited beta set, but I’ve not seen anyone else publicly mention these features).

I won’t hold my breath until we see the first mention from someone in the AT threads asking where they can see these features. We will have to clarify that these are not available in the beta at that time and likely get some flack for that ambiguity.

So, per prior requests, please try to make it clear which features ARE or ARE NOT available at appropriate release stages (particularly to active beta users or when they are more openly released) so we can potentially head off the confusion I expect we will see shortly.