Any metal heads here? 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘

Not metal in the slightest, but I dig this bike-themed band name and the midwest emo music.

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Children Of Bodom │Hate Me! (Subtitled) HD - YouTube…still the best turbo song IMHO :laughing:

I have several tool songs in my spotify playlist and have relied on them heavily, but recently I have been steering away from them because the songs are almost too long. My own mental timer tracks my intervals by a typical 3-4 minute song and having a 6 minute song really throws that off!

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Rosetta is my go-to for ramp tests. Check out their albums A Determinism of Morality, The Anaesthete, and Quintessential Ephemera.

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Some cycling videos with some hard metal in the background would be great for intervals

This track goes hard af

Primal Fear, one of my favorites.

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Anyone want to hear bad metal? I’ve been trying to do more than just make some riffs and just put together this “song” that I finished today. Be gentle lol

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I’m old.


I dig it! reminds me of an old Russian Circles song that I can’t put my finger on. Props on seeing it through to this level. I always just make a riff and tweak it indefinitely.

Eternal Champion anyone?

also High on Fire, and Gojira, of course

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I usually do hard music for hard intervals but listen to psychedelic or indie rock music or videos for Z2 or SS stuff. More into hardcore/hard rock than metal too but here are some recent albums I listened to during hard interval sessions.

Between the Buried and Me: Alaska
Poison the Well: Tear From the Red
Boy Sets Fire: After the Eulogy
Thrice: The Illusion of Safety
Iron Maiden: Killers


I like it. Good old school stuff.

Have you heard Smulder? Smoulder - Times of Obscene Evil and Wild Daring (2019) - YouTube
Spirit Adrift?
Haunt? Haunt - Mind Freeze (2020) - YouTube


I have now! :metal:

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It’s all a blur, there are just so many i love.

As I Lay Dying
Avenged Sevenfold (the old old songs where he could still scream)
Bleeding Through
Comeback Kid
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Dream Theater
Every Time i Die
Linkin Park
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Rise Against
Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Sworn Enemy
System of a Down


How the hell do you keep a good cadence to Dillinger lol? I’d fall off the bike

Big fan of new Seether on the bike as well as architects right now.

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Exactly! I don’t mind some Iron Maiden for SST or tempo. The galloping sound seems to suit me fine then.

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Primal Fear is Great.
I listen to the Metal Commando album a lot when i’m on the trainer.

Also Helloween a lot Walls of Jericho still one of my favorites even though the recording quality was crappy at best.


Spirit Adrift is one of my current favorites

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You might like those other two if you like Spirit Adrift.

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